Posts Tagged ‘paranoia’

Shades of Conspiracy

October 18, 2013

Maybe it’s just me – perhaps I am seeing shadows where none truly exist – but this Snowden affair seems rather humorous.

So many conspiracy theorists I have read seem to think the “good guys” have scored an enormous coup over the “forces of darkness” with Snowden’s revelations.

On the surface, it would certainly appear to be so. Unfortunately, a little voice inside keeps asking some uncomfortable questions.

Like, “didn’t we already know all this?” and “Why hasn’t some retaliation taken place?”

If the “bad guys” were really capable of offing anyone who stood in their way – like Aaron Swartz, for example – why is Snowden and Greenwald still running around spilling their guts?

One would almost think the conspiracy was suddenly made impotent. Pleasant thought, certainly, but not very realistic to think they are sitting in the corner wringing their hands saying, “Oh, dear, what ever are we to do now?”

For one thing, this NSA spying data was released several years ago. Perhaps the story never garnered enough market-share until Snowden’s “patriotic whistleblowing” took the media by storm but the basic facts in the case had already been released, starting back in 2005.

Now, why would they want this data released? What’s in it for them?

History has shown that they do not work that straightforward. The conspiracy has succeeded thus far because it cannot be nailed down so easily. They prefer working in the broadstrokes.

So, what can their game be in this case?

If indeed there is any game at all… still, seeing the numerous times the data has been “revealed” in the past eight years, I assume the information is supposed to be made public for a reason.

And the “reason”?

I’m just a crazy conspiracy theorist – what do I know?

If they want us to lose complete faith in our government, I’d say we are pretty much already there.

So, what is this gambit really about?

Fear of Paranoia

March 18, 2013


FDR once said we had nothing to fear but fear itself.

I don’t know if he was speaking from personal experience or as a philosophical discourse but today most people seem steeped in fear.

The media helps fan the flames and pour on the gasoline to keep the blaze burning. One would almost think they had some sort of vested interest in keeping the fear alive.

Well, of course! Fear sells papers!

Fear also keeps people a little de-stabilized and malleable.

But one should realize this goes a little the other way as well. People who operate through such means have a certain understanding of them. In other words, they are afraid.

In reading 1984, the reader is quickly chilled by the awesome power of Big Brother to control so many people even down to their thoughts.

What is not stated so simply is that Big Brother is running scared. Why else does he need an army of thought police and spies inserted into all parts of society?

And this was Britain in the future. Britain, where guns are not as widespread as here, as Piers Morgan is so quick to point out.

Even without the widespread ownership of guns, the totalitarian rulers would still be dominated by fear.


Totalitarian regimes are held in place by a very small minority and those few strongarms they can bribe, cajole, or threaten well enough to carry out the wet-work necessary to keep them in power. And small minorities can quickly be tossed over by the majority.

Of course, it would take mobilizing the majority to some sort of action.

And humans are, fortunately, capable of withstanding only so much. At some point, things will break down and the majority will rise against anyone.

Do you think the French Revolution came about because a widespread coterie had been meeting clandestinely for years, planning and coordinating the uprising?

No. It happened spontaneously. People had simply taken all they could. When the tipping point was met, there was no turning back.

People who had been actually planning an overthrow of the government were swept away by the sudden violence that appeared out of nowhere.

You can understand why the “secret” society remains a secret.

You can understand why the conspiracy keeps itself in the darkened shadows.

They are living in constant fear.

Of us.