Posts Tagged ‘george soros’

the Great and Powerful Oz Has Spoken

July 19, 2020

Recently, I came across a website created by a group of scientists arguing against Darwinian evolution. Their science is very good and throws acid on the face of every proponent of Darwin who makes the baseless claim: “the science is settled”.

They might have other followers if it were not for their counter claim, Intelligent Design, is also propounded by Christians and their “creationism”.

What I find interesting in their premise is that modern science – Darwinianism especially – seems to negate God. They extend this fundamental disbelief across the spectrum and show that this form of thinking is behind a lot of the current sociological agendas.

To anyone who has followed any of my conspiracy stuff, it should come as no surprise that I agree with these fellows. Yes, I am against Darwinian evolution – even though Darwin and Watson’s original thesis included the hand of the Creator in this process – as it falls precisely into the current agenda of Man-is-Master, rather than God.

It matters not which religion you adhere to, but most that I have seen are part and parcel of the ages old conspiracy.

Those rather quick on the uptake will see the inference I have made here and say, “Wait a minute! How can religion be saying ‘Man-is-Master, rather than God’?”

Excuse me while I chuckle.

This is one of the primary indicators that the conspiracy has been forming for a very long time.

One might think that an organization created to revere God could not possibly be geared toward the opposite. It certainly would appear so until you read a little deeper into the propaganda.

The Catholic Church, like all such venerable institutions, interposes itself between the parishioner and God. In olden times, the priests of whatever cult, held their power by convincing the innocents that it was their intercession alone that could gain an ear of the Creator. Catholicism goes one step further and proclaims (attributed to Jesus, of course) that to get to the Father you MUST go through the Son and His representatives (i.e. the Pope and his subordinate ministers) to get a hearing with the Father. It is further expounded (by Saul the persecutor and killer of followers of Jesus) that wheresoever three or more are gathered in His name, there shall He be.

The last phrase is, of course, a commandment to form churches if you want to have any sort of standing with God.

In other words, God the Mighty, Creator of All, defender and lover of all His children, omnipotent, omnipresent, and so on, who knows the thoughts of all, knows the hearts of all, and notes every blade of grass or when a sparrow falls, cannot be bothered by you unless you go through a priest (a Man) to get the ear of Jesus (a Man) to intercede with the Father (God).

Some even condone the intercession of Mary, mother of Jesus, to get the ear of the Son in order to reach God.

Jesus Christ! How many people do we find as gatekeepers to get to the Divine?

The religion is far less about enabling Men to contact their Creator, it is about CONTROL.

And that, dear friends, is one of the primary goals of the Conspiracy.

In most other respects they also work out of sight, behind the scenes, manipulative and covert, to achieve their aims. If the Church was really about Jesus and his ministry, you would hear more about “the temple of God” being within you and that we are ALL “sons and daughters of the Creator”, and not just him. You would know that this connection to God that you need has already been made – at the moment of your creation – and can be accessed any moment, day and night, requiring no other intermediary that your own decision to do so.

No priests, no Pope, no church hierarchy, no building, no offerings… nothing but you communicating with the one who created you.

All else is political intrigue, chimera, and manipulation. And we see this happening around us in the world today as the Antifa groups of George Soros attempt to tear down the pillars of civilization.

You will see the conspiracy and realize it is all around us when you know HOW to look at what you are seeing.

Do not fall for the appearances, look for the patterns.